Efektivitas Penggunaan Media ICT dalam Pembelajaran Fiqih dengan Metode Blended Learning di MI Tahfidz Cendikia Pekanbaru

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Ali Muddin Jailani


This study aims to explore the effectiveness of using ICT media in Fiqih learning at MI Tahfidz Cendikia Pekanbaru. The method applied is Blended Learning, which combines face-to-face learning with the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through online platforms. Through pretest and posttest, the results show a significant improvement in students' understanding of Fiqih material after the implementation of the Blended Learning method. The pretest indicated that students had a good basic understanding but struggled to apply Fiqih laws in daily life. After the implementation of Blended Learning, students showed significant progress, with an average posttest score of 80%. This proves that the method is effective in improving understanding and the application of Fiqih laws, as well as helping students connect theory with practice. By using ICT media, learning becomes more interactive and engaging, increasing students' involvement in the learning process

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