Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik Berbasis Kaidah al-Qur’an di SMP Negeri 3 Rambah Hilir

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Fidri Fidri
Maulida Sari Harahap
Rizki Handinata
Selvi Dwi Rachma
Rian Vebrianto
Musa Thahir


This research is a study of the formation of the character of the Koran-based Participants. The population in this study are Students of State Junior High School 3 Rambah Hilir and sample the study was 100 Students of State Junior High School 3 Rambah Hilir. The purpose of this research is to find out how the method is carried out for the establishment of the character of learners based Qur'an in State Junior High School 3 Rambah Hilir. An alternative hypothesis of this research "there is a significant relationship of the formation of the character of learners based on rules of the Qur'an".

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