Konflik berbasis Agama di Indonesia (Analisa Isi pada Media Online Tahun 2021)

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Siti Mupida
Bono Setyo


Religious-based conflicts are generally triggered by ideological sources, and even originate from religion itself. Apart from the conflicts between religious sects that occur, up to now a number of conflicts and violence with religious nuances have become increasingly widespread in Indonesia, both occurring directly and through social media. This research uses a mix method, namely a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Apart from that, this research seeks to understand and collect various conflicts that exist on social media, as well as ideas about initiatives to manage conflicts in order to create peace using Big Data. The results of this research show that there are several media that often present news related to conflicts between religious communities. The reality is that some conflict news tends to be framed in war journalism. The news covered is more oriented to the location or place where the incident occurred and the number of victims who died, destroyed property or home. The dominant media coverage of conflict only revolves around behavioral aspects and aspects of conflict that are visible to the naked eye. Aspects of this behavior include killing, massacring certain groups, shooting, and even bombing.

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